Today is my mom's birthday! This picture was taken on Caroline's 7th birthday (I think) doing one of the things Mom and I love doing together--getting a pedicure!
Happy Birthday, Mom (Nana/Becky) . . . You are by far one of the MOST SELFLESS people I know. You would give everything you have away and no one would ever be the wiser. You sacrificed so much for me and never asked for a thank you or expected anything in return. You were the best carpool mom, too--snacks and parks and always the first car to fill up for field trips. I remember sitting in the car eating lunch with you in elementary school and everyone was so jealous. Then sitting in your car eating breakfast before junior high while you prayed over me and gave me a pep talk. I don't remember much from those years, but I DO remember that. Then, of course, our famous Wendy's breakfasts in high school. Hey, they may have driven me crazy, but they worked!
Our home was always warm and well kept and welcoming. There were homemade cookies, cut up fruits and veggies, fresh bread and hot meals (breakfast and dinner). I never ran out of clean underwear or matched socks. The towels were folded and fresh and the floors spic and span. As a mom and house wife, I am more and more amazed by these feats. Especially since I never remember SEEING you do them.
I can list almost every birthday party from age 3-18 because you made me feel so special and loved.
You read Proverbs to me while I ate breakfast, prayed for me while I was at school (and out at night too) and held me to standards that were important even when I didn't understand them.
You say I am who I am in spite of you . . . I say it's because of you!
You care for others well, put yourself last, and are a defender of truth (and Tru, haha, and Bo).
The Bass family is pretty darn fond of you! Happy Birthday! We love you. I love you!
"Her children stand up and bless her. Her husband praises her: 'There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!' Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise." - Proverbs 31:28-31
11 months ago
I don't know you but that was THE sweetest tribute to your mom. She did a good job with raising you obviously!!