It's not all fun, games and shenanigans around here. (Although, not for lack of trying!)
Lately, I have been having some deep thoughts as well. Perhaps my budgetary decision to cut back on tabloid magazine purchases has paid off in more ways than one!
Lately, I have been reflecting on the gift I have been given to stay home with our kids.
Truth be told, I posses no skill that translates into a vocation that would pay enough to cover child care. So, me staying home actually saves us money. (I can "save" money other ways too, but that's another post for another day!) Seriously, not only do I want to be here with our kids, but it makes sense for our family. (This is not the case for everyone, nor will it probably always be the case for us.)
I have been overwhelmed recently by how God has blessed my being home in ways beyond fulfilling my childhood dream of doing this. I love that the kids are my job and that I get to launch them (hopefully prepared) into this world. I have also realized that because I am not committed to a job, I have opportunities to do things with and for others that I could not do if I had to work somewhere else full or part time. God calls us all to different things in different seasons, and I am trying to embrace where He has me now, excel at it, and enjoy it . . . even when it's hard, even though it comes without a paycheck.
He's also given me a new goal . . . it's not about getting them all in school so I can breathe and have a little more "me" time (although, let's be honest, if that ever happens, I could learn to enjoy that too). My goal as a mom is to equip my kids--sometimes that means having them with me and sometimes that means sending them off to learn, but the purpose is the same . . . to raise kids who love God, love others, and use the gifts and talents He has given them.
So, I just wanted to say publicly, since I complain publicly too, that there is no place I would rather be during this season than home. And I want to thank Josh and God for allowing me to do this.
(It kind of sounds like I think I am accepting an Oscar or something...)
11 months ago
You are lucky indeed to get to stay home with them. We talked about recently in Sunday School about all the influences your children have in life and how at the end of the day your time with them to influence them is really very small in comparison to TV, other media, school, friends, etc. so use every moment and know that THEY are lucky too to have your good influence.