Wednesday, October 10, 2012


we have been under the weather for weeeeeeks now and i'm not gonna lie--i'm so sick of it, i have lost the ability to use proper grammar and capitalization.

we've gone from the great cough of 2012 to two rounds of strep to the WORST sinus infection/cold I have ever heard josh have (there are animals from near and really, really far who have heard his nose blowing and thought they were being wooed to mate). now caroline has some stomach bug-like thing that i think i may have had over the weekend . . . no. fun.

so--in order to NOT bum yall out with my sob story and pity party, here is a link to a blog i wrote for our church's women's blog. i meant it back in the spring when i wrote it . . . and yesterday, i chuckled when i read it because i needed the reminder right. then. too.

Enough blog link

Thursday, October 4, 2012

So . . . .

So . . . remember that post where I told you I was done with facebook and asked you all to subscribe to my blog?

Yeah . . . apparently that's not so easy to do and I can't figure it out either.

And I realized that there are some other reasons that staying on facebook makes sense.

So . . . let's just pretend that I never wrote it and claim a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

On an unrelated note, I am a big fan of The Big Mama blog--see side bar for link--and I met one of her best friends last night which (of course) means that she and I are now friends. Or friends of friends. Or still total strangers. (Or maybe I just seem creepy now since I readily admitted to him that I preordered her book.)

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Favor

So . . . I started reading this book called Happier At Home. It's by the lady who wrote the Happiness Project and it's not so much about reaching a happiness goal as it is finding ways to be happier where ever you find yourself in life. I'm not finished with the book (or that goal), but so far, I would totally recommend it. And I am finding out some stuff about myself--good and bad . . . I am discovering that as much as I feel accomplished by the multitasking (and I am proud of my binder and laminated daily lists and all), I actually like things simpler. I have declared Tuesdays to be no activity days and instead we play at our house, outside, with neighbors, have a friend over, and (most importantly) eat together as a complete family at a reasonable hour and have time for games or conversation. It's my new favorite day of the week. And I have started my fall cleaning and baffled Josh by my giddiness over empty drawers in the kitchen. (It means we don't have junk we don't need crowding the drawers. Happy sigh.)

By now, you are either bored. Or done. Or wondering why I am telling you all of this. (Again) And I DO have a point. I took a 3 day Facebook fast and guess what I discovered? Facebook stresses me out. Not all of the time . . . just when I read that 16 people on my feed have barfing kids and 23 have kids with other illnesses. Or when I see a post that thanks everyone for their birthday wishes and I know that I never got back on to say Happy Birthday. Or when I sit in carpool line and read post after post when I could be working on something productive and I wish I had that 25 minutes back. Facebook is a great thing, but when I reflected over the last few days, my blog was the only real reason that I had for not taking (yet another, I know) official break from it.

Hence, this post title--A Favor. I know (because google gives me blog stats) that MOST of you lovely readers click on my blog from my Facebook link. And I am grateful. But, I want to keep blogging without still FBing, so . . . would it be a huge imposition if we let technology work for us both? If you will subscribe to this blog (to the right of the post), instead of seeing it on FB, a link will show up by email. I want to continue giving you useless information, sharing shameless updates about my brood and pushing my agendas on you (hahahaha), but I also want to shut down my facebook for now.

Why not just ignore fb, you ask (or maybe you don't, but I'm going to answer as if you did)? Because I am personality defunct. I am unable to because what if someone might have asked me something by message or post and I am letting them down by not answering. I have some perfectionist in me and just have to be all or nothing about some things, so I guess I am choosing nothing for now.

So just to humor myself, I will leave this on my wall for a few days before bidding adieu to the great book of faces. And, until I return, happy birthday and congratulations and I'm so happy or sad or excited or bummed for whatever you share there!!